Elementary Religious Education (K-5th)


Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them;

for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

-Matthew 19:14-



Elementary Religious Education at St. Patrick’s-St. Joseph’s Catholic Church is…
...praying, singing, learning, and living our Catholic faith together as children of God and church family.
…following Jesus…becoming caring, joyful disciples!
imitating the Saints and our Blessed Mother Mary on our journey toward heaven.
loving the greatest prayer of all…the Holy Mass!
…recognizing parents as the primary educators of their children & encouraging adult catechesis and participation.
developing a partnership of parents & parish in the faith formation of children.


We strive to share the joy and develop a love of learning about our Catholic faith. We use Pflaum Gospel Weeklies to prepare for Mass as we learn about each week’s Gospel and what it means in our lives. The Holy Mass is a great celebration! We come to Mass to worship God and to refresh our mind, body, and soul. We have so many blessings to be thankful for!

We nurture participation in prayer and discovering God’s love. What the Church Believes andTeaches is the companion catechism book used to learn Catholic teachings, beliefs and prayers. Children also check-out books and DVD’s weekly from Holy Apostles Library. We encourage families to enjoy learning more about our faith while watching movies and reading together! 


*Registration begins in August. Weekly classes will run from September through the end of May.*

For more information, please call Lori at
